
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Samsung prompted early launch due to iPhone 6's initial weekend on sale

Apple has officially confirmed a total of 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus sales during their initial weekend on sale. This is a new record for an iPhone launch, besting the 9 million iPhone 5s and 5c sales from that launch last year, and the 5 million new iPhone 5 devices sold in 2012. This was definitely something that Samsung could not ignore, and as a result it has decided to speed up the release date of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. 

Thus, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will finally be released in Korea on September 26 instead of early October as originally planned by the three major providers, SK Telecom, KT and Uplus. It will then debut in the U.S. on Oct. 17. The company's moves will allow it to beat Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus to market in those two countries.

Samsung aims to score 15 million sales for the first 30 days of marketing Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Within the first week Samsung will distribute 3.75 million devices to the market. It is worth noting that last year Samsung distributed 10 million Samsung Galaxy Note 3 during the first 2 months, so the target of 15 million within 30 days is quite optimistic. 

A Samsung marketing executive said that the positive reception of the new iPhone 6 from the public, was what pushed Samsung to reveal the Note 4 earlier than it had planned, and that Samsung would pursue a very aggressive policy to promote its phablet. The executive also admitted that Samsung is extremely pressured by the new larger iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. 

This year's Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is the cheapest Galaxy Note so far, with a suggested price of $ 919 in Korea, compared to the first Galaxy Note that was sold for $ 960 and the Galaxy Note 2 and 3 that were of $ 1,038 and $ 1,018 worth respectively.